Removing or Moving a student from one team to another

Removing or Moving a student from one team to another

This article is intended only for instructors.

This article is for Entrepreneurship, Management and Marketing simulations.

To move a student to a different team, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to and go to the appropriate simulation. 
  2. In the lower section of the page, find the student’s team and open the list of students on that team by clicking on the plus sign (+) next to the team name.
  3. On the line with the student’s name, open the drop-down menu and, under the “Move this participant into the team ...” option, select the name of the new team to which the student will be assigned.
  4. The student will be moved to their new team as soon as you select the team name.

You can repeat steps 2 and 3 as needed to achieve a balanced distribution of students among the teams.

If you are not sure in which team the student will be move, use the option ''Remove this participant.''
The student will be immediately removed from the team.
To add the student to another team later, first refresh the page by pressing F5 to make the "Add this student to the team" option available again.

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