Accounting : Student portal

Accounting : Student portal

This article is intended for students
This article applies only to  Accounting  simulations.
    Accounting simulations has students performing the role of an intern in a virtual world at a rock climbing company called The Summit.

    To help you in these tasks, there are tools such as:

  1. The Workplan - A feature that allows you to go back to previous sections to review concepts and look forward to view summaries of the upcoming tasks.
  2. 4-Step Validation tool - A useful feature that validates your answers. Each subsequent step of validation (if used) provides clues to assist you in obtaining the correct answer. Be careful though, as points will be lost for incorrect answers.
  3. Points and Badges systems - Badges are awarded for meeting certain criteria like exploring different parts of the simulation, or accomplishing certain tasks. Each statement has a certain point value, and completing them with no errors awards you the maximum points possible. Points will be deducted for incorrect answers.
  4. Tutorials - These will assist you in using the interface.

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